This blog is a bird's eyeview of my life. Varying from Trekking Adventures, Rocking Satsangs, from Coffee Shops to college canteens fidgeting with fun and enthusiasm... learning and spreading the art of breath and the joy in smiling...... This is simply an UNWINDING of a few thoughts that are stuck in my mind.......!!!!!

Life's always a full circle, what goes around has to come around, so why not stop to enjoy the Pain and the Suffering that comes our way when we know that the time to drool in Joy and Happiness is just around the corner.......!!!!!!

A Complete 360 Degree

Saturday, 10 April 2010

RELATIONSHIP - A Gift or Curse

Life to begin with is a journey that one undertakes to travel in time. It begins from the time we were in our mother’s womb to the very last breath that we take on this very world that we live in. If one was to sit and wonder on how well one has managed to live on in life, one would actually know the simple and sweet details about one’s own self that we would have missed to notice, some good, some great, some miserable, some fair while others unfair and so on and so forth.

Painting by a dear friend Chitvi Kaur
RELATIONSHIP is something that gives an individual the capacity to actually sit and wonder how much we understand the nature of the worlds of compatibility, endurance, love, pain, torture, fun, aggression, grief and many many other bursts of feeling that we have. One needs to have some control over one’s own self to actually realize the very fact that we have the authority to actually make or break our RELATIONSHIP.

For me a friend is anybody who has elevated from my list of ACQUAINTANCES.

We may have lived life in a way wherein we have set a few codes and parameters on how we must treat others and how others can treat us. Am I Right....???

To answer this question all I want you all to do is to actually close your eyes and then simply take a few very long deep breadths to actually get your mind to a very calm and composed state. It is very necessary to be able to think straight and that too in full awareness. One has to be completely aware of the situation completely and know each and every thought that comes into our crazy mind.

One must not be in a condition wherein one wants to surrender in front of the other, citing a situation where they may hurt the other beyond repair. This is one feeling that completely disturbs a relationship and puts it to a complete test.

You might be friends but you might not have got together as good great friends, this might not necessarily be the end. Nor does it signify an end to a relationship. You were good acquaintances, there were moments where emotions were tossed up and so things went beyond repair. Disturbing all possible barriers and creating a certain havoc. Does that really mean that things cannot be repaired....??? 

All it requires you to do is to simply get along with that friend and sort of all the barriers that you think you have in your very head. All that one can do is to simply “Accept the person and the situation as they are” This is not as difficult as it seems. All one has to do is to simply completely accept the PERSON and the SITUATION as and how it is. This in a way makes it easy for an individual to be able to tackle the situation and also be easy to create the happy atmosphere and keep the rocking friendship.

Many other issues like ego clashes or for that matter’s issues on irritation or simply wherein one says I just can’t stand this person symptom or something weirder.
All that one can do is find a medium to know that one is God and the divine is within us and not elsewhere that we have been searching for the last few years.

The myth is if you smile and spit on a person’s face, he should be okay with it even if he or she is one’s friend but the other person cannot say anything very less significant in a tone where he is a little rude or arrogant at times. There seems to be a one way traffic with emotions in most relationships. This has to be thought about and worked upon.
This in a way is not allowed as one needs to be very compassionate and in a way simply understand the very nature of a friendship to understand the very relation. It need not be settled in a very angry manner and simply have a very gloomy look about it. The very meaning of a relationship be it an acquaintance or a friend lies in the fact that  one simply understands the very true nature of the craziness in the damn issue.

When one has to put up with loads of people and situations, each may not be pleasant or very very memorable, some may be bitter and very bad to even taste. So all that one has to do is to be very conscious about the moments wherein things may go wrong /

In friendship we need to blossom from within, in case of any mistakes made by anybody it is the very duty of the other to educate the other out of compassion and then ignore the particular situation. It is this that helps one to see to it that the relation is never strained and it continues, continues, continues.

The expectation within us that the nature of the other person must change does not serve the purpose either, instead why don’t we have a feeling on why don’t we change.
All one needs to learn is that they just have to make everybody their own. This becomes easy by just realizing the fact that they also come from the same SOIL and also breathe the same AIR which we expel.

Guruji says It is only when we can relate ourself with one hundred percent then any face you look at there will be love, charm and beauty.


One simply has to understand the very fact that THEY ARE AN OCEAN.

Most of misunderstandings in the relationships, and the problems, are because we talk a lot, express too much. When you love somebody, don’t go and sit on their neck and choke them to death. Keep a gap, stay a little apart and see that your love to higher love, the DIVINE LOVE.

So friends let us elevate ourselves to the very next level, wherein we realize the very DIVINITY of each and every relationship that we are in... each and every role that we have to play in all the very different relationships.... like as a FRIEND, a SON, a DAUGHTER, a WIFE, a HUSBAND, a LOVER, a BROTHER, a SISTER, a TEACHER, a CONSUMER and so on........

Just wanna say.....


Its again left to each one of us to actually know or find out if its a GIFT or a CURSE......!!!!

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Strangers - Acquaintances - Friends :-)

How many of us make friends, 
or at least call all the people we meet as friends. 

Not realising that most of them on the so called list are only mere ACQUAINTANCES. 

People whom you meet on a regular basis, but share nothing more than just a mere “HELLO” 

Its just the fear to talk more, the fear of rejection or a very strange negative feeling that holds us back all the time. We think we are not that good enough without even realizing our own potential. In fact we may like a lot of people but we refrain ourselves from meeting/ talking with them. The so called STUDS as boys call themselves, refrain from talking to a very SWEET GIRL and vice versa. 

They can be your so called friends, acquaintances or strangers.

It's always what we choose it to be. We leave so much on destiny not realizing that we always have a choice of free will. Destiny is to make you aware of a situation and its your free will that helps you choose every tiny little minute feature in your life.

The Million Dollar Question....??? 

How can we create more ACQUAINTANCES and in the process FRIENDS....???

All that we have to do is simply pass a very cute smile. This is a universal language, any person, anywhere in the world, any nationality what so ever, all needs to do is simply SMILE, this leaves the other with no option but to smile back. If he or she does not smile the first time, the will surely smile back the next time. But the reaction of the other person must never take away the smile from your face.

We feel people come and people go, it for us to decide who stays and who doesn’t in our lives. This attitude has to be changed, we can only live our lives to the fullest and in return we have such aura on us that we would normally attract more people to be in our company. This is simply the power of a smile.
I took it upon myself to try this out, all i did was Smile everywhere i go, smile at the cook, the watchman, the gate keeper, the lab assistant, the teacher, the rickshaw wala, the auto wala, the magi wala n each and every person i met. They certainly might have felt strange for the first time, but as this practice continued they got accustomed to it and in fact now have elevated from strangers to acquaintances to FRIENDS. All one has to do is simply SMILE.

It bridges gaps of a million light years. No words can help fill this gap but the very smile on one’s face can help many a heart beat much longer.

It’s one simple emotion that beats every other reaction in any given situation in life.

I began this extra ordinary task of creating more and more ACQUAINTANCES and then making them my FRIENDS.

Its very very cost effective to make Girl Friends, Boy Friends, and to be able to enjoy certain privileges, like For Ex – In my college canteen in case i don’t have money i can still have a lavish meal, in case i don’t have a vehicle to get back home i am still damn sure that i’d get a drop home, I never have money and i am damn sure that i would never be left hungry, loads of examples that would go on and on. All i want you all is to experience this feeling of complete BELONGINGNESS in this world. 

This activity of mine has given me the feeling of never being alone ever in LIFE. Come what may, i know that help will flow in from all corners of the world.

This is exactly the same journey that each and every individual must follow.
Just give in to your feelings and do every thing that your HEART tells you....

Just Do This and the entire world around you will be filled with Smile and laughter.

Pic from Google Images

Meet Strangers – Smile – Talk

Make them ACQUAINTANCES – Smile – Talk

They are then FRIENDS for LIFE

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Gurpreet - Cuteness Personified

A pretty girl came close to say her first words
Pic bluetoothed frm her phone
"Aap committed ho"
It was the beginning of a journey till eternity...
Distance's travelled in light years...
Simple is bonding...Optimistic is the friendship...
Joyous is love...
Enjoying each other's company...
In these few months we have become close friends...
Ma best mate...

Simple and adorable...
Approached by many... still standing firm...

Her sad face simply drains out all the energy.....
Too lovely to be left sad...
Happiness is the ultimatum...
Friendship for a lifetime...

The petrified look on her face...
Whenever a visit home is mentioned...the suttle hello...that she manages when asleep...
The stylish NO...the patent THAPPAD khayega tu....

These amazing traits make this wonderful girl amazingly beautiful friend...

I wish that we stay the best of mates...without much differences that normally creep in over a period of time.....

Now that college is officially over.... will miss u a lot.....

Yawning Lectures

All are sitting, trying to stay awake...
Burning eyes concentrating hard...
Listening and falling deep inside...
Some head into dreamlands...
Others crash into the book...
Most mentally absent...
The first bencher's keep the teachers going...
The rest somehow manage to keep themselves going...
Engaged in SMS, i-pod, Mobile gaming...

A new topic begins only when all students cry