This blog is a bird's eyeview of my life. Varying from Trekking Adventures, Rocking Satsangs, from Coffee Shops to college canteens fidgeting with fun and enthusiasm... learning and spreading the art of breath and the joy in smiling...... This is simply an UNWINDING of a few thoughts that are stuck in my mind.......!!!!!

Life's always a full circle, what goes around has to come around, so why not stop to enjoy the Pain and the Suffering that comes our way when we know that the time to drool in Joy and Happiness is just around the corner.......!!!!!!

A Complete 360 Degree

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Flavours to Consciousness

I happened to be discussing with a friend about the consciousness and the energies in the world. that was when we discussed this story about the various flavors of the consciousness. It is so said that the one with the highest spiritual knowledge will have all the flavors. There have been many many avatars of the lord at various times and ages in various places of the world. Lord Ram and Lord Hanuman are also one among the various avatars of the Lord. It is so believed that Lord Ram had just 12 Flavours to the consciousness in him while Lord Hanuman had 14 flavours in him. As Lord Ram was very aware of this knowledge it was very difficult for him to accept the fact that Lord Hanuman though he was more superior to him was his devotee. That was when Lord Ram asked Lord hanuman as to why this was the case that though you are more superior to me that you still call yourself my devotee and that you want to serve me always. To which Lord Hanuman said, Dear Lord Ram,  
 for our understanding 
{we have three levels of existence 

Deha Bhav - Body - we say I am eating food or I am taking bath. In both the case we mean that the body is taking bath and that the body is having food.
Jeeva Bhav - Soul - we say I love You or I hate You. in this case its not I hate ur body or that i love ur body its more Sul to Soul where we feel the oneness.
Brahma Vidya Bhav - the Ultimate Consciousness - This is where we realise that everything is one.}
in Deha Bhav - I am youur servant and your devoteee.
In Jeeva Bhav - I am a part of You
In Brahma Vidya Bhav - I am YOU


  1. wow!
    what a story!
    very well written as well :)

  2. Thanks Kratik. I have been searchin fr a share buton but not able to find one for ur post

  3. I was under the impression that we have six levels of existence=)

  4. wow... awesome...liked it a lot...

  5. good. one bhai..i never knew this..

  6. i nt getng on screen wat lord hanuman said to lord ram
    "To which Lord Hanuman said, Dear Lord Ram:" it ends over here

  7. sry i got it late bt i got it
